Lakewood Funeral Chapel
98 North Dixie Drive
Lake Jackson, TX
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
Map & Directions

Funeral Service
First Baptist Church of Jones Creek
7334 TX-36
Jones Creek, TX
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
Map & Directions

November 29, 1924 - November 19, 2015
- Obituary
- Guestbook
Maybe, by now, our Dad, we called Honey, who needed a head start at building a ranch for Mom in Heaven when he left us back in 2001, has had time with Angels help to learn to dance for mom. He didn't have a lick of dancing rhythm in those cowboy boots when he was here with her on Earth. But, he sure loved his bride from beginning to the end and she the same. Everett was her Cowboy. Their Grandson Matthew, Told us, Honey definitely had the horses groomed and saddled and was patiently waiting at the Gates for his Bride to cross over and get there, so they can be together again and ride off into the sunset.
Julia was not one to sit down and stay in the Rocking chair to watch the days go by. She always felt there was so much more she wanted to learn, go, do and live in life and she was never to old to learn. Julias mind was as sharp as a tack down to the last day she could communicate with us. And up until slipping and Breaking a hip 2 months ago, she was still Teaching Art at Brazosport College, at 90, was still driving herself around in her trusty Brown Van, going to work, going to one of her favorite Eat'n spots such as "Diamond S" in Brazoria, shopping and living by herself next door to on of her sons family.
Julia went to greener pastures very peaceably at our home in Jones Creek under Hospice Care with Family at her bedside on Thursday, Nov 19, around 9:32pm. It was a true special moment in my life that I'll carry with me till I see her again someday. Her Hospice Care Provider A-Med, and their amazing care Nurses, had to be absolutely handpicked one by one by Jesus himself. I don't feel there would be any way possible to have more Professional, Nurturing, Kind, Caring and Loving Nurses for a critical ill lady as they were for our mom. They are True Blessed Angels one and all.
She is now, as one of her favorite songs says "Some Where over the Rainbow" listening to My Uncle Billy Arrington (her Brother) with his Window Shaking Baritone Voice, while MyMommie (Gladys Arrington, her Mother) plays beautifully on the Piano and My Uncle Chester Arrington (her Other brother) sings harmony to "How Great Thou Art", with long time Teacher/Mentor/friend, John Magee leading them all to sing it so correctly, that it will bring a single tear to everyone's eye. All this as Jesus himself, watches and listens to it all and smiles...
Julia was born in Bay City, Texas to MacMillan and Gladys Ballard Arrington on November 29, 1924. In Passing, She was undoubtedly greeted after hugging her Soulmate husband Everett, by many of the family, friends, and students that she loved, taught, mentored and inspired in her long, productive, and inspiring life that crossed over previously.
Julia's life was centered on family and art. When at three she was given paints, her natural gift for art was discovered and encouraged by her gifted parents. Later her talent was recognized by several artists who mentored her. A short autobiography written for a 2010 gallery display of Crainer's multi-media artwork states, "…. My life has been too long and full for me to include everyone who has been significant in my life and career, but I must mention Everett Mac and Jim, my dear sons who, along with my Everett, have been the center of my adult life. I thank my family, teachers, students, and friends for all they have done to enrich my life.
I also want to thank God for giving me my gift and a family that encouraged me to use it. As a two time cancer survivor, I also thank God for restoring my health. I believe God gives each one of us gifts that he expects us to use for others and for Him. I was put here to have two sons. As a teacher, I try to help others develop their gifts as many helped me develop mine. I hope to teach as long as God grants me health and life." The Lord gave mom over 70 years as a Teacher, 56 Yrs as a wife, 70 yrs as a Loving Mother and almost 92 years of living Life making so man new loving friends along the way.
Crainer's joy was creating special Art works for her family, but her Artwork is known far beyond her family, friends, and state. Many of her paintings reside in foreign countries and other states.
The Lone Star Bank in Brazoria, Prosperity bank in West Columbia, and Brazosport Regional Health System, Lake Jackson, all have works by Crainer in their lobbies and offices. Several of these works are well known in the area for their wonderful portrayal of Early Brazoria County. One of Julia's works, "Herschel" a little donkey statue, has been on exhibit in three top Texas museums The Elisabeth Ney Museum in Austin, the Witte Museum in San Antonio and the Museum of Fine Arts in Houston. Crainer's family was among Brazoria and Galveston County's early settlers and she grew up surrounded by the people and history of historic Jones Creek. Her historical works reflect her connection to and love of this county's history as well as her talent and skill. Julia taught many students from all over the world (Australia, Bolivia, Columbia, Brazil, Germany, Holland, Peru, England, Canada, Taiwan, Mexico, and Thailand …). In these years she touched many lives. As one long time student observed, "Julia not only taught me to paint, she taught me to see. Because of her my world is a richer, more colorful place."
Julia Arrington Graduated from Freeport high school in 1942, and attended the University of Houston to study business. She worked at Dow Chemical over the summer as a draftsman, when an opportunity by Dow and Remington Rand chose Julia as the Top Texas representative to study and develop her art and business in New York. It was war time, she continued to take classes at the Art Students League. When her fiancé, Everett Crainer came home after 3 long years, they returned to Brazoria County.
In 1955, at the urging of her mother, Julia and a group of others interested in art formed the now famous Brazosport Art League, with Julia as its first president.
Julia, besides being a Master Artist, was also a Master Art teacher for Brazosport College, Community Education art classes (all mediums pottery (wheel and hand built), Clay Figures, drawing, pastels, china painting, oil, watercolor, acrylic…) for over 43 years. She loved clay, painting and her family and friends. Her hands were always so soft from the soothing clay she loved to work with. She is preceded in death by the love of her life, soulmate and handsome Cowboy, Everett Roberson Crainer, her parents, Area Rancher Mac and Gladys Arrington; and brothers, Chester Arrington, William Charles "Billy" Arrington, and recently, his wife and closest sister friend, Barbara Gene.
She is survived by her sons, Everett M. Crainer and wife, Chris of Churchill; Jim Crainer and wife, Susan of Jones Creek, and grandchildren Theresa Dawn Brooks and husband Tracy of Little Elm , Eric Crainer and wife Jennifer of Richwood, Matthew Crainer and wife Jassy of Carrizo Springs and 5 Great Grand Children "Dancer" Taylor Brooks, "Baseball Player" Austin Crainer, "Cowboy" Trevor Crainer, " Cowgirl" Avery Crainer and last but not least "Cowboy to the Core" Tuff Crainer.
Visitation will be Tuesday November 24th at Lakewood funeral home Chapel at 98 North Dixie Dr. Lake Jackson, TX 77566 4-5pm for Family, 5-7pm for loving Friends and Angels placed in her life.
The Funeral Celebration of her Life's Journey will be starting Wednesday, November 25 at 10:30 AM. At The Jones Creek Baptist Church in Jones Creek Texas, 7334 Highway 36. There will be no Grave side service afterwards.
Mom Loved Cowboys. I'll be wearing, Cowboy Boots, Starched Jeans, Starched White Shirt and my Cowboy hat when outside. You're welcome to do the same. With Mom's life, being so heavily involved with her own beautiful art work and the Teaching of others, in lieu of flowers, the family request memorial gifts in her name, be made to the Brazosport Art League: 400 College Drive, Clute, Texas 77531, so her China Painting dream can live on.
On a final note: One morning recently, she woke up and the sun was out Shining Beautifully. We had opened the curtains of her room and placed back the drapes. Mom said "I made it to another Beautiful Day in life, but, I don't understand why I'm still here, I'm ready to go?" I said, "Mom, I think the Lord has not called you just yet for all OUR benefit, - to help us be prepared and with acceptance." She smiled, knowing I was right.
That's my mom.
Sign Guestbook>>
12 Condolence(s)

Damian Malik Evans
Irving, TX
Sunday, January 17, 2021
My grandma had her paintings hung in her home thought my time as a child in New Mexico. She recently gifted them to me, and I'm an artist too! Just wanted to share this message.

Mary E Villarreal
Lake Jackson, TX
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
Mrs Julia was such a beautiful and sweet person. I'm so glad I had the pleasure of knowing her. She will be missed.

Ann Parker
Clute, TX
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
We are so sorry to hear of your loss. You are in our prayers.
Tommy, Ann, Philip and CJ Parker

Loris Garrett & Sandy Roberts
Lake Jackson, TX
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
Our condolences & prayers to you Everett, Chris and your family for your loss.

Cindy Taylor
Lake Jackson, TX
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
You are now surrounded by the most beautiful art work in the world !

Cleve Hardman
Gonzales, LA
Monday, November 23, 2015
Mrs. Crainer was an inspiration to us all. She lived life to the fullest and was the backbone of a great family. My thoughts and prayers are with Jim and the rest of the Crainer family.

Monika Forrest
Angleton, TX
Sunday, November 22, 2015
As one of her former students, I am deeply saddened by Ms. Julia's passing. She was not only a brilliant artist, but a wonderful, compassionate person, who had a heart as big as Texas!
My deepest sympathy to the friends and family she left behind and loved so dearly.

Pat Whitehead
Sweeny, TX
Sunday, November 22, 2015
So sorry for your loss. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Pat & Clyde Whitehead

Cherryl Meggs
Fredericksburg, TX
Sunday, November 22, 2015
Julia was one of a kind a true giving artist, teacher and friend.
She always told it like it is.
I met her at Concan my first year teaching there. She made me feel at home right away.
I will miss her immensely!
Love and peace to all loved her.
She is I am sure teaching art in heaven.

Karen Jordan
Farmington, NM
Sunday, November 22, 2015
What a talented, sweet woman. God bless you, cousin. Prayers and thoughts to family and friends back home.

Amy Harmon
Surfside Beach, TX
Friday, November 20, 2015
My prayers are with the family.

Leah Piette
Fort Worth, TX
Friday, November 20, 2015
Julia was a great teacher, artist, and friend. I will miss her greatly. Such a big hearted woman, and she was so proud of her children. My thoughts and prayers go out to you, as you join together to remember such a Monumental Woman.